Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 16 - New Glasgow Highlands Campground and Charlottetown

We spent Friday (the 14th) walking around Charlottetown. There were dozens of artisan craft shops to browse, and of course we had to try the local cafe, Beanz. Some of the old stone buildings were quite beautiful, but we were itching to get into the country. Unlike in Cape Breton, spring was in full swing at the New Glasgow Highlands campground. The ferns were especially new and fuzzy. Staples on this trip have been the Chipotle Tabasco, and also quinoa. Yesterday I had lots of time while waiting at the muffler shop and on the ferry to knit Will a headband, which unfortunately was much more necessary in Cape Breton and was a week too late! The rolling hills of PEI are breathtaking...

Day Fifteen - Cape George, and PEI!

Leaving Cape Breton, we drove the Cape George peninsula of Nova Scotia and stopped to enjoy the views at the beautiful lighthouse overlooking the Northumberland Straight. Unfortunately the Red Barron's muffler finally gave out, and the intollerable racket had to be fixed in Pictou. This delayed our ferry ride to PEI, and forced a change of plans requiring a night at the Aloha Tourist House in Charlottetown. However, there was free cake! The vivid red soil is an intense contrast to the blue skies and lush green pastures, and dandelions are also numerous as PEI has banned the use of pesticides/herbicides. To finish the day we ventured to the island's only craft brewery, the Gahan House, to try some local beer and PEI spuds.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day Fourteen - More fog

Though no photos were taken yesterday, we did ride 50k from Pleasant Bay to Cape North over North Mountain! It was very cold and windy, and the road was incredibly steep. At the top the snow banks were several feet high, and the wind was bitting. Still, an amazing ride.

 Today we drove through the thickest fog yet, which was incredibly disappointing as the French Mountain and Skyline Trail lookouts are supposed to be incredible. Our views were completely white! Coming off the Cabot Trail towards Inverness we decided to camp on Lake Ainslie.

Day Twelve - Big Bras D'or to Pleasant Bay, Lone Sheiling Nature Walk, Red River and Sunset

Our hopes for good weather were again crushed by thick fog and rain, so instead we drove the Cabot Trail from Ingonish to Pleasant Bay. Near Cape North we detoured off the trail to the most northern point of Cape Breton, Meat Cove, which was accessible only by dirt road. We decided to stay in Pleasant Bay in a tourist home, and enjoyed a nature trail through the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. In attempts to watch the sun set we drove up to Red River, cooked dinner and climbed down the waterfall to enjoy one of the most incredible views... it was spectacular.