Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bowron lakes begins

double rainbow en route to bowron lakes

antique poison vials, Bear Mercantile shoppe, Bowron lakes. 

coyote (Canis iatrans).


cougar (Puma concolor).

we sat under the gazebo in the rain, pouring down, heavily. thunder was building in the distance, the grey clouds galloping across the sky reflecting back dark pillows highlighted, or back-lighted rather, from the setting sun. clouds obstruct perception of time. in the air high above the lake, the barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) swooped, dove, ducked in supreme acrobatic prowess. bellies golden, orange, burnt. white darts below each eye, powerful deep navy wings.

lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria). this incredible lichen is a 3-part symbiosis of ascomycete fungus, green algae and cyanobacterium.

plantain (Plantago major), or white man's footprint. prevalent in disturbed areas. 

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